Providing affordable healthcare and business solutions.

Healthcare plans for everyone

Through our healthcare partners, we provide group health plans with a low deductible or ZERO deductible. Both are ERISA compliant comprehensive group plans.  We also offer an ACA compliant MEC plan and individual subscription plans for contract gig workers.

We believe our clients deserve customized healthcare solutions and personalized service. 

That is why we have a Care Team of experts to assist our members with scheduling, care coordination, and advocating for them so we can keep costs down and protect them from surprise bills.

Ovation Health logo
ERISA Compliant
Rapid Enrollment Turn Around
ACA Compliant (MEC)
Enroll Anytime
Patient-Physician Cooperatives logo
Guaranteed Issue
Enroll Anytime
Individual Membership Plan

Ready for a quote?

For questions or to get a quote, call 866-549-4199 or email